Owing a debt to any lender is never an ideal situation to be in. The issue can escalate quickly if you cannot stick to your agreed upon payments with the creditor. If you owe money to a creditor such as Bank of America, and have fallen behind on payments it is in your best interest to come up with a solution quickly. Bank of America is well known for their variety of financial services. Individuals can handle their checking and savings accounts with the company, take out a credit card or personal loan, or use their mortgage loans to purchase a home. Bank Of America is the second largest banking association in America, following JPMorgan Chase, and has international branches in 40 countries worldwide.
If you have fallen behind in payments, it may be a possibility to set up alternative payment arrangements with Bank of America. You’ll need to contact them directly to explain your financial situation, and if they agree to modify the terms of your loan agreement, you may be able to make lower repayments on the debt or reduce your interest rate.
If you are facing financial hardship and paying your entire debt with Bank of America isn’t possible, you may be able to work out a settlement agreement with the company. In a settlement agreement, you agree to pay your creditor a certain portion of the debt. Bank of America is more likely to agree to a settlement if they see you are facing financial hardship and are not able to pay back the full amount owed.
If you have fallen behind in your payments to Bank Of America, you should act quickly and explore the option of settling your debt. Debt settlement can lead to a significant reduction in the total amount you owe to creditors. Through negotiations, we may be able to settle your debt for a fraction of what you owe. CuraDebt has been helping individuals and small businesses for over 22 years nationwide. As of May 2023 CuraDebt received a score of 5 out of 5 on CustomerLobby for a total of 1179 customer views. CuraDebt is an Accredited Member of the American Fair Credit Council. Contact us for a free consultation. 1-877-850-3328.
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